WHATEVER / 28 — any pronouns — CST
hi! call me whatever you want - i don't care!! i'm just here to have fun and fuck around honestly :)
that said, here's a little bit about me!
i will ONLY do rp with folk who are 21+. this includes ALL rp, not just ERP. there are no exceptions.
i prefer to do all of my rping via /tell, but i'm also open to walk-ups if you happen to catch Rune out and about somewhere! if you're ever not sure, you're welcome to ask :) i'm also open to doing more long-term rps over discord!
i am not Rune and Rune is not me - don't get it twisted and don't get weird about it. i don't want to hear about how hard you nutted to him.
Rune is poly/pan, with no gender preference. if you're looking for long-term rp with him, please keep this in mind! unless your plot with him is something i am super, super invested in, he will never formally 'settle down' with any one person.
i rp in past tense, 3rd person, paragraph form. i am open to more rapid-fire rp - just let me know your preference! i will NEVER rp in first person!
i can be grotesque in descriptions of things, sometimes, especially with topics such as: body horror, mutilation, gore and self harm. you have been warned!
Rune is, naturally, a fairly violent character, and will thus often react to things in a hostile manner - be it by acting cruel, cold, uncaring, rude or vicious. but he can also be a very soft, quiet, emotionally starved character. it just depends on the mood and setting! if you prefer one or the other, please tell me so we can try to work on a plot that would better bring out certain qualities in him!
i'm open to rping with any races - yes, even you tiny potatoes. just don't get it twisted, and everything will be all right.
belly of the
✖ NAME • rune hafbaer; deranged beast; monster
✖ OCCUPATION • warrior of light; berserker; hunter for hire; botonist
✖ AGE • 29 winters
✖ SEX • intersex; no pronoun preferences; defaults to he/him
✖ RACE • viera, rava
✖ ORIENTATION • poly/pan; no preference to race or gender
✖ STATUS • open; hard to get; will naturally push away from relationships
RUNE is a very short Viera with an equally short temper. despite his hated crowned title as WARRIOR OF LIGHT, rune is not at all the big hero that everyone hopes and makes him out to be. he is COLD and VIOLENT by nature, and will often scoff or turn his nose up at anyone vying for his attention, preferring to focus on his own tasks. he does not freely hand out his trust, and is very SUSPICIOUS of everything he comes across. he HATES the position he's been thrust into, and if he's having a bad day, everyone will know about it. DESPITE this, however, rune does have a VULNERABLE and SOFT side to him. he will only very RARELY allow himself to expose such vulnerability, though. anyone to see him in that state should consider themselves extremely lucky to have earned his TRUST. he is also EXTREMELY LOYAL to anyone who has earned it. he will indulge in others with similar likeness to his own interests, such as FELLOW HUNTERS or those interested in SPARRING, but he is not one for IDLE CHAT.
RUNE has very PROMENANT viera features; he has a defined BUNNY NOSE, long and battered dark EARS and a cute little TAIL, with his most OUTSTANDING feature being his soft PEETS. typically, he will wear boots to protect them. rune has DARK SKIN that is covered in SCARS, which he often covers up with LAYERS of leathers, furs and ARMOR. it is rare to see him in anything less, or anything fanciful. he also is often seen wearing some sort of MUZZLE or FACE COVERING, because of his affinity for BITING - either accidentally or intentionally. this is to protect both himself and others around him. if he is without his muzzle, it is appropriate to assume it is safe to approach him. his HAIR is ridiculously long and luscious, and he wears it up 99% of the time. he will not let anyone CUT IT. rune also has a terrible tendency to always be covered in some sort of VISCERA, and he has a PERMANENT SCENT of ROT stuck to him, no matter how much he bathes or applies oils and scents to himself.

Rune is a man of a tragic and violent past; he can be difficult to speak with, and may often times come off as disinterested, distant or even annoyed. here, you can find a few hooks to try, and reel him in with, if your own efforts seem to be fruitless!i am also more than happy and willing to brainstorm more personal plots or AU's with you, especially for long-term rp! :)
✖ COMMON BONDS - there he is, a famed Warrior of Light - the same as you, but...different. he's seen the same things, dealt with the same tragedies, and yet your paths reflect and differentiate so much that your experiences with heroism are vastly varied. perhaps you could persuade him to venture out for a drink, and swap stories..?✖ A HUNTER MUST HUNT - you've seen him on the field before; hunting prey with you and others, perhaps, from time to time, but completely unaware of anything save for his target. you see what the Hunt does to him, and, lately, he's been taking down targets one after another - sometimes without even taking the posters from the boards - and it's really digging into your profits. maybe you could ask to tag along with him?✖ FIGHT ME, COWARD - he's in the training yard, again, making a right mess of a dummy that some poor fool put out for him to practice on. clearly, though, it is unsatisfying, and you can see the frustration on his brow as he kicks aside the destroyed chunks of the dummy. you've been itching for a proper sparring partner for ages, now, and who better to challenge than the Warrior of Light?✖ A QUIET PLACE - you've decided to retreat to somewhere quiet for a while - a favorite spot, a secret place - and when you arrive, you're surprised to see someone else already there. he doesn't look like he's aware of your presence, yet, and if he is, he isn't doing anything about it. he's sitting comfortably with his eyes shut, but his ears perked straight up. you think to leave, but before you can he's asking you to sit with him. will you?✖ INNER BEAST - off in the distance, you can see smoke rising and there's an awful stench on the wind; concerned and curious, you've decided to venture forth and investigate the source. unfortunately, the scene you come across is gruesome; blood soaks the earth, bodies - or whatever is left of them - are strewn about amongst rubble and viscera. it looks as if the area had been besieged. steadily, you follow a trail of death and destruction until you see him standing among the ruins. aimlessly, he is hacking away at something. it's wet and squelching and it makes you want to vomit - or, does it send a thrill through you? - and before you can stop yourself, you accidentally kick a rock. the squelching stops, and you watch as he slowly turns his head to look over his shoulder - but all you see is the bright, glowing red of his eyes, and the fresh gore that splatters his armor. he's growling lowly, a warning. will you run, or try to fight?